
Next to our activities related to crop clearing, ground- and excavation works and civil works there are also several other things that we do like for example the sale of sand, grass seed and concrete plates.

Furthermore, we have an extensive collection of machines with accompanying accessories that you can rent including 1 of our employees for a shorter or longer period. The rental of only our machines is in general not possible, but only including 1 of our skilled and experienced employees.

Some of the machines from our collection of machines:
1. Mini excavators from 800 up to 2200 kilos
2. Midi excavators from 5 up to 8.5 tons
3. Large excavators from 13 up to 30 tons
4. Tractors with dumping trucks from 2 up to 12 m3
5. Tractors with moulding/levelling accessories from 180 up to 300 centimetres wide
6. Several pushdozers varying from a Weidemann 3070 to a Volvo L45G
7. Lumber jack Ahlmann AZ95

Of course, we also have several accompanying accessories in our collection of machines. Please contact us for more information.

Curious about the possibilities?